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In addition to our manufacturing services, EDM will perform rework and modification of existing PCBs and electronic assemblies. We have a highly trained staff of technicians trained in circuit troubleshooting, repair and rework. Our technicians work in close conjunction with our Engineering staff to ensure that all customer requirements are met. All repairs are completed in compliance with IPC standards.

For our turnkey customers, we offer a warranty depot service. Our warranty depot service allows you to issue the RMA, your customer to ship directly to us, and the product repaired and returned to your customer. EDM performs all troubleshooting and repair, allowing for faster turnaround, and reducing shipping costs.

We also offer modification services of existing products. We can install updated components, fix design flaws, and clean and refurbish worn parts. All modifications are performed by trained technicians in conjunction with our Engineering staff. EDM also now offers BGA rework capabilities with the addition of a APE Sniper III rework station.

EDM’s repair services gives you access to our 40 years of experience and expertise in manufacturing, our high standard of workmanship, and our commitment to customer service.

EDM Products and Services



    green initiatives

    • Build RoHS prototypes
    • Improve RoHS manufacturability
    • RoHS compliant equipment & facilities


    product development

    • Experienced global design team
    • Scalable production services
    • Rapid time to market


    TUV SUD America

    • ISO 9001:2015 Certified
    • ISO 13485:2016 Certified
    • Increased production efficiency