ROHS and Green Initiative Program
“Green” is a buzzword that has been in the news lately, as consumers are increasingly looking for environmentally conscious products and companies. Taking steps to make your products more “Green,” such as removing lead, cadmium and other heavy metals can lessen the environmental impact of your product, while adding value to your product by making it more attractive to consumers. Let EDM help you make the conversion to a more Green product.
In 2004, EDM evaluated the needs of our customers and the changing marketplace, and decided to offer our customers the option of implementing a fully RoHS Compliant manufacturing process. In 2003, the European Union released the Reduction of Hazardous Substance (RoHS) requirements for companies doing business with the EU to limit the amount of lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, and two types of brominated flame retardant in products sold in the EU. This new law took effect in 2006, to help reduce the environmental impacts these chemicals have on our ecosystem.
RoHS had a direct impact on the electronics industry, as manufacturers have traditionally used lead bearing solder, and as a result, many customers are looking to convert existing products to a RoHS compliant process. Even if you are not selling to the European market, this issue will still have an effect on you, as other countries and individual states have enacted or are in the process of enacting legislation. In addition, component manufacturers are discontinuing leaded products and introducing RoHS compliant parts. This means current Bills of Materials will soon be obsolete. Any future designs will need to take into account the changes RoHS has created in the industry.
EDM invested in new production equipment to be used only for RoHS compliant products and trained personnel in the new soldering and manufacturing techniques. Our engineers extensively researched processes to develop a reliable RoHS manufacturing solution. We worked with our bare board suppliers, solder manufacturers, and component distributors to qualify and implement the best compliant material options to our customers. EDM implemented a facility wide process segregation system, utilizing new part numbers and color codes to quickly and accurately identify RoHS compliant and leaded materials. EDM conducted extensive qualification runs to validate our process, and continues to research new materials and techniques so we can continually improve our processes. EDM also implemented our RoHS-compliant procedures into our Quality Management System, and conducts random process and facility audits to help ensure our continued compliance with RoHS directives. EDM also complies with the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the Conflict Minerals Rule).